*The word tattoo is one of the most misspelled words in the English language. It is mistakenly spelled tatoo, or tatto.
*Tattoos and tattoo related keywords are the most searched words on the internet beating out the adult industry.
*Tattooing has been used as a way of smuggling secret messages across enemy lines in times of war.
*It has been claimed that urine was once used to mix the colouring matter of some tattoo ink.
*The tattoo business has boobing during these tough economic the Untied States are dealing with.
*Women are more likely to get a tattoo removed.
*20% of women have a tattoo on their lower back. Also called the "tramp stamp" by some. This percentage is pretty larger considering that only 5% of women have a tattoo located some where else on their body.
*Tahitians believed that the process of tattooing the body served to contain its sacred power.
*Removing a tattoo can cost up to three times more than the design itself.